Clef de sol

The orchestration of the land area of La Grange Tiphaine makes sense.
Agricultural Resources, empirical experiences, ancestral passion, “Clef de Sol” is a work book in which the first violin is expressed.
The handling of the bow is not innate.It’s the authors of this score that beat the time. The vine draws its inspiration from a generous and sensitive soil.
Since five generations, this wiped, turned, and worked soil, retrocedes an indisputable typicalness in wines of Domain.

The elegance and character are the key words for two completed symphonies in White or Red.
The respective terroirs Montlouis and Touraine-Amboise provide many rhythmic nuances.
Pianissimo legato finesse unveils “Clef de Sol White” in its higher grades.
And it is in an endless crescendo that exalts “Clef de Sol Rouge.”
We start a partition to make room for the expression of the estate’s soul.
It is only a reflection of its interpretation.